QAU Help Desk

How to Download Clearance Report/Certificate

On completion/clearance from department and all concerned sections of the university, Download Clearance Report option will be enabled and student can download the certificate i.e. in PDF Format for further proceedings.

QAU Student Clearance Report Screen

Student Clearance Report/Certificate (PDF format)

Student Clearance Report/Certificate comprises of Clearance summary from department and all concerned sections, certificate from library and hostel as well. Hostel certificate for Boarder and Non Boarder students is different as per format given by hostel.

Clearance Certificate Page 1 – Library Clearance Certificate

Clearance Certificate Page 1 – Library Clearance Certificate

QAU Student Clearance PDF Report - Page 2

Clearance Certificate Page 2-5 - Clearance Summary that includes Copy for Admission Section, Accounts Section, Student Copy and Examinations Copy

Clearance Certificate Page 6 – Issuance of DMC

Clearance Certificate Page 6 - Issuance of DMC

QAU Student Clearance PDF Report - Page 7 - Documents Required for Issuance of DMC

Clearance Certificate Page 6 - Clearance Summary

QAU Student Clearance PDF Report - Page 7 - Hostel Clearance Certificate for Non Boarder Student

Clearance Certificate Page 8 - Hostel Clearance Certificate for Non Boarder Student

QAU Student Clearance PDF Report - Page 7 - Hostel Clearance Certificate for Non Boarder Student

Clearance Certificate Page 8 - Hostel Clearance Certificate for Boarder Student