QAU Help Desk

MS (CS) Fee Structure

Fee Structure for (MS) : National Students

In Rupees

S.No Fee Heads Fall 21
Category A (At the time of Admission)
1 Admission Fee 16,190
2 Securities(Deptt + Lib) 5,500
3 Securities(Deptt + Lib) 6,000
  Total A (1 & 2) 27,690
Category B Per Semester
3 Tuition Fee 45,840
4 Services Fee 22,090
  Total B (3 & 4) 67,930
  Total (A+B) 95,620
Categary C – (One Time)
1 Admission Processsing Fee 2,450
2 Grade Card/Result Card* Normal/Regular (20 working days) 540
3 Grade Card/Result Card* – Urgent (05 working days) 1,080
4 Detail Marks Certificate *- Urgent 1,620
5 Duplicate Detail Marks Certificate * 3,240
6 Migration Certificate Fee* Normal (07 working days 3,240
7 Migration Certificate Fee* Urgent (02 working day ) 4,670
8 Fee for non credit course other than a compulsory (per course) for (QASMS, C/Sc, IT, Pharm-D & Law Departments) 3,230
9 Fee for non credit course other than a compulsory (per course) for (Other Departments) 3,100
10 Fee for Repeating (per course) (Compulsory & Non-Credit) for (QASMS, C/Sc, IT, Pharm-D & Law Departments & other Departments) NIL
11 Degree Fee*, Normal/Regular (20 working days) 5,940
12 Degree Fee*, Urgent (05 working days) 11,340
13 Duplicate Degree Fee * 11,340
14 Verification Fee 1,620
15 Re-examination Fee for (QASMS, C/Sc, IT, Pharm-D & Law Departments) NIL
16 Re-examination Fee for (Other Departments) NIL
17 Extension Fee for M.Phil/M.S 5th & 6th semesters and Ph.D 15th semester & Onward for (QASMS, C/Sc, IT, Pharm-D & Law Departments) 5,690
18 Extension Fee for M.Phil/M.S 5th & 6th semesters and Ph.D 15th semester & Onward for (Other Departments) 5,420
For courses offered during summer, Tution Fee would be charged @ Rs. 8,470 and for B.S Evening Program (Open Merit) @ Rs 9,220
* Applicable at the time student applies for the degree issuance


In Rupees

Fee Structure for (MS) : Foreign Students

(Amount in US $ or equivalent to Rs at the time of admission)

S.No Fee Heads Fall 21
Category A (At the time of Admission)
1 Admission Fee 392
2 Securities(Deptt+Lib) 307
  Total A(1-2) 699
Category B Per Semester
3 Tuition Fee 1,070
4 Services Fee 421
  Total B (3 &4) 1,491
  Grand Total (A+B) 2,190
Categary C – (One Time)
1 Degree Fee (05 working days) 93
2 Duplicate Degree Fee 174
3 Verification Fee 35
4 Migration Certificate Fee 31
5 Duplicate Detail Marks Certificate 31
Tuition Fee @ 90 $ for one course (to be offered during summer) & For B.S Evening Program (Open Merit) @ 95 $
* Applicable at the time student applies for the degree issuance