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Examination Rules MPhil

I. Paper marks distribution

A student shall be evaluated in each course on the basis of periodical test(s)/assignments(s) during the semester and terminal examination at the end of the semester. Each course shall carry 100 marks of which 50% shall be reserved for class test(s)/assignment(s) and 50% for the terminal examination.

II. Conduct of examinations

There shall be a written examination for each course at the end of each semester on the dates fixed by the controller of examinations in consultation with the chairman and dean concerned.

III. Eligibility for terminal examinations

A student shall be allowed to appear in the examination provided that he has been on the roll of the university during that semester, has registered himself for the courses of study and has attended at least 80% of the lectures/laboratory work and completed the course work to the satisfaction of the teacher and the chairman of the department concerned.

IV. Dissertation and appointment of supervisor

(a) Each student shall perform research work as partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree under the supervision of a person appointed for the purpose by the advanced studies and research board on the recommendations of the chairman of the department and the dean of the faculty concerned.
(b) A supervisor or co-supervisor appointed for mphil research must hold a doctorate unless otherwise permitted by the advanced studies and research board.
(c) Where necessary and desirable, a co-supervisor may also be appointed.

(d) A student shall select a topic of dissertation which will be recommended by the supervisor and the chairman of the department concerned to the advanced studies and research board for approval within thirty days of the commencements of the third semester.
(e) The supervisor shall submit progress reports towards the end of the third and fourth semesters to the controller of examinations and beyond, if permitted to continue. If two consecutive reports are unsatisfactory, he/she shall cease to be a student of the university.
(f) In addition to satisfactory progress report in the third semester, a student shall continue to maintain a cgpa of 2.5 on the basis of course work taken up in that semester. If the cgpa is less than 2.5 he/she shall cease to be a student of the university.
(g) A student who fails to complete the requirements of the mphil degree in the normal period of four semesters shall cease to be student unless provided the benefit of clause iv(h).
(h) In case a student fails to complete the mphil requirements within the normal period of four semesters, the advanced studies and research board may allow him/her an extension for one semester on the recommendation of the supervisor duly endorsed by the chairman. Extension for another semester may be allowed by the advanced studies and research board, provided the supervisor justifies the extension to the satisfaction of the board by indicating the circumstances which led to non-completion of mphil programme within five semesters. No fellowship or financial assistance shall be provided during the extended period of 5th or 6th semesters.
(i) No extension beyond six semesters shall be granted under any circumstances. A student failing to submit his/her dissertation by the end of the sixth semester shall cease to be a student of the university.
(j) A student who is granted the benefit of clause iv(h) of the regulations shall be allowed to submit his dissertation within the extended period. He/she shall be required to pay such charges for use of facilities as the university may prescribe from time to time.
(k) .
a) After the completion of research, each student shall submit five copies of the dissertation approved by the supervisor to the controller of examinations before the final examination:-
i. One for the external examiner
ii. One for examination section
iii. One for department office
iv. One for students for hard copy
v. One for the supervisor
b) After the viva-voce examination and after the critical comments, if any, of the examiners have been incorporated: four copies of the final hard-bound dissertation be submitted:-
i. One for examination section
ii. One for central library
iii. One for departmental office
iv. One for supervisor
To be returned to the student after submission of hard bound copy.
(l) The dissertation shall be printed on a4 size (11”x 8.5”) paper and shall have a black hard binding with golden lettering on the front and the spine.

V. Dissrtation examination

A student who has completed the following requirements shall be eligible for admission to mphil final examination.
(a) That he/she has been a student on a regular basis in a teaching department of the university/institute/centre for the prescribed period, or allowed necessary extension as provided for under clause iv(h).
(b) That he/she has successfully completed the prescribed courses, guided reading and class assignments, including seminars, colloquia and tutorials to the satisfaction of the teacher and the chairman of the department concerned.

(c) That he/she has completed a dissertation on research topic approved by the advanced studies and research board.
(d) A student, who has completed the requirements stated above, shall submit an application on a prescribed form to the controller of examinations for admission to the final examination for mphil.
(e) The supervisor shall inform the controller of examinations through the chairman of the department concerned about the date on which the viva-voce examination is to be held. The vice-chancellor shall on the advice of the supervisor /chairman, appoint an external examiner from the panel of examiners approved by the advanced studies and research board.
(f) The examination shall be held on the university campus on such dates as may be notified by the controller of examinations in consultation with the supervisor/chairman of the department concerned.
(g) The viva-voce examination in defense of the dissertation shall be conducted by a committee consisting of the chairman of the department concerned, supervisor of the student and the external examiner.
(h) Each successful student shall be awarded the degree of master of philosophy on successful completion of the requirements of mphil.

VI. Grades, promotions and merit

(a) The minimum pass marks for each course shall be 50%. Candidates securing 80% marks or more shall be placed in grade ‘a’, those securing 65% or more but less than 80% marks in grade ‘b’ and those securing 50% or more but less than 65% marks in grade ‘c’.
(b) If a student fails to appear in the terminal examination of a course on medical or any other reason, he/she be treated as absent and failed.
(c) In each of the first and second semesters a student will be required to obtain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 failing which he/she shall be deemed to have failed that semester.
(d) A student who has failed any semester under clause vi(c) may be given one chance as a concession to continue his/her studies. Such a concession shall be granted only once during the entire period of study for mphil degree.
(e) A student failing twice under vi(c) shall cease to be a student of the university.
(f) The supervisor shall submit two progress reports during the third and fourth semesters as provided under clause iv(e) to the controller of examinations. If both reports are unsatisfactory, he/she shall cease to be a student.
(g) A student who, by the end of the third semester, does not pass 24 credits of course work or does not maintain a cgpa of 2.5 shall be deemed to have failed and shall cease to be a student of the university as provided under clause iv(f).
(h) A student obtaining first position in the department shall be awarded a certificate of merit and chancellor medal provided that he/she obtains a cgpa of at least 4.0 points, and has not failed or has not repeated any course and has completed the entire requirements for mphil degree within four consecutive semesters.
(i) A student obtaining first position in the faculty concerned shall be awarded a certificate of merit and president’s gold medal provided that he/she obtains a cgpa of at least 4.0 points, and has not failed in, or has not repeated any course and has completed the entire requirements for mphil degree within four consecutive semesters.
(j) The result of a student in each course, whether passed or failed, shall be indicated on the transcript by letter grade. A separate transcript shall, however, be issued to each student showing percentage of marks, grade obtained in each course and cumulative grade point average. Grade point (gp) shall be determined on the basis of numerical grade in the following table.

Grade ‘C’ Range of Numerical value Grade ‘B’ Range of Numerical value Grade ‘A’ Range of Numerical value
Grade Point Percentage Marks Grade Point Percentage
Grade Point
50.0 to 51.4 2.0 65.0 to 66.4 3.0 80.0 to 81.4 4.0
51.5 to 52.9 2.1 66.5 to 67.9 3.1 81.5 to 82.9 4.1
53.0 to 54.4 2.2 68.0 to 69.4 3.2 83.0 to 84.4 4.2
54.5 to 55.9 2.3 69.5 to 70.9 3.3 84.5 to 85.9 4.3
56.0 to 57.9 2.4 71.0 to 72.4 3.4 86.0 to 87.4 4.4
57.5 to 58.9 2.5 72.5 to 73.9 3.5 87.5 to 88.9 4.5
59.0 to 60.4 2.6 74.0 to 75.4 3.6 89.0 to 90.4 4.6
60.5 to 61.9 2.7 75.5 to 76.9 3.7 90.5 to 91.9 4.7
62.0 to 63.4 2.8 77.0 to 78.4 3.8 92.0 to 93.4 4.8
63.5 to 64.9 2.9 78.5 to 79.9 3.9 93.5 to 94.9 4.9
      95.0 to 99.0 5.0

(k) Grade point average (gpa) shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

Sum of (gpe x cr)/ total credits
Gpe = grade points earned in a course
Cr = credits of the corresponding course
And sum is over all the courses.
(l) The cumulative grade point average (cgpa) at the end of a semester shall be the grade point average of all the courses which have been passed till that time.
(m) There shall be no re-evaluation of answer books. A student may, after he pays fee prescribed by the syndicate, get the answer book re-checked for totaling and for verification that all questions or parts thereof have been fully marked, in the presence of the concerned teacher, the chairman of the department and the controller of examinations, within one month from the date of declaration of the results. Errors or omissions, if any, shall be rectified.

VII. Certificate of merit
The controller of examinations shall issue a certificate of merit on a student who stands first in the subject on the basis of the overall result provided that the student has obtained 80% marks or more in the aggregate, has not failed in , or repeated any course and has completed the course work in four semesters. The recipient for the award of certificate of merit shall also be the chancellor’s medal.

VIII. President’s gold medal
The president’s gold medals shall be awarded to the students who stand first in msc in faculty of social sciences, natural sciences and biological sciences. The controller of examinations shall also issue a certificate of merit to such students.