QAU Help Desk

Procedure (PhD Programme)

(a) A candidate seeking admission to PhD programme shall apply on the prescribed form when advertised.

(b) Students applying for admission are required to submit a copy of synopsis/research work. Admission is subject to the availability of the Supervisor in the field of research and HEC’s requirements.

(c) The application shall be submitted to the chairperson of the department/school/institute/centre where the student wishes to pursue the studies.

(d) All applications received in the department shall be periodically considered by the departmental admission committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor.

(e) The admission committee, when satisfied, shall recommend to Advanced Studies and Research Board the candidates who are found eligible and suitable for admission to PhD programme.

(f) The admission shall be approved by the Advanced Studies & Research Board.

(g) A notification of registration/admission letter for each candidate approved for admission to PhD programme shall be issued by the University.

(h) Each student so selected shall be required to register and pay the dues within 30 days from the date of issuance of the notification of registration/admission letter.

(i) In case of in-service students, No Objection Certificate from the employer is required to be attached with Admission Form and routed through Proper Channel or they can submit the same by the end of first semester, failing which their admission shall be cancelled.

(j) Short listed candidates will be called for interview/ presentation of research proposals.

(k) A student can do more than one PhD but not simultaneously even at different universities.

(l) Every student at the time of admission to this University shall give an affidavit to the effect that he/she is not pursuing degree programme studies in any other institution.

(m) A student cannot be awarded two PhDs on the same research material/document.

(n) A student after taking a migration certificate from the QAU cannot pursue PhD unless he/she re-migrates back to this University.