QAU Help Desk

Rules for Cancellation of Admission

  1. If a student does not opt to register the courses and also does not request for the semester dropping for two consecutive semesters, his/her admission shall automatically stand cancelled.
  2. In case a student applies for cancellation of his/her admission, the following shall be applicable:
    • The application must have been recommended by the respective Head of Department /School/ Institute / Centre.
    • There should be no outstanding dues against him/her.
    • If the student is in the 1st semester, the request for the cancellation will be entertained within 60 days from the commencement of the semester.
    • If the student is in other than the 1st semester and has never availed a chance, the request for cancellation will be entertained within 60 days from the commencement-of the semester.
    • If the student has availed a chance in first 3 semesters, his/her request for cancellation of admission will be entertained only within 30 clays from the commencement of the semester.
    • The requests for cancellation of admission will not be allowed in 5th and 6th semesters.
  3. The student once enrolled in the 6th semester but failing to complete degree requirement shall be declared as ceased to be the University student.