QAU Help Desk

International Students

Foreign Students

Quaid-i-Azam University promotes higher education within the country encouraging Pakistani nationals as well as extends it to the foreign nationals seeking admission to the University. The University is rated among the best institutions of the region and follows the Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) criteria to entertain the foreign students.

Admission Procedure

A foreign student seeking admission to the University has to apply in the QAU after obtaining the equivalence of their Certificates/Degrees from Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) and Higher Education Commission (HEC) so as to determine his/her eligibility. After being eligible the student will be issued letter of admission/confirmation, who submit the student information sheet for issuance of NOC from HEC.

Categories of Foreign Students

Foreign Student is one who possesses a Foreign Citizenship or Passport. The foreign students are classified into following two categories:

  1. Foreign Nationals and Dual Nationals (having Pakistani and some other nationality);
  2. Refugees (status recognized by GoP).

Fee Structure

The foreign students will be charged fee/dues approved from time to time except Refugees registered with NADRA (for whom Directives from the HEC/Government of Pakistan are available) and who are admitted against the reserved seats for Foreign Students will be charged fee/dues at par with local students or as per government policy.

Entry Test

The following entry tests are required for the foreign students:

  • SAT-I/ University Admission Test for all Bachelors and Masters programmes. If required by the department, the student would have to take and pass the remedial courses in the first semester to make up the deficiency;
  • GAT (General) is exempted for the MPhil programme. However, foreign students are required to pass the departmental test/interview;
  • GAT(Subject) is exempted for the M.Phil /PhD Programme.

Department-Wise Seat Allocation

10% of the total seats (Regular + Self Finance Basis) are reserved in each department/school/institute/centre in every semester. These would be additional seats, over and above the current number in each department.