QAU Help Desk

Preference/Priorities Of Disicplines

The Triplicate Admission Form alongwith Data Summary Sheet should be completed carefully in applicants own hand writing; specifying maximum of THREE choices of disciplines in which admission is desired either on Regular or Self Finance basis, in order of preference, in the column provided for.

Subject to fulfillment of discipline requirements candidates will be accepted for any one of the programmes of their choice, IN PREFERENCE ORDER. Choice of subject for which applicant is not eligible will automatically stand cancelled. Candidates will be selected in any of the course of study according to their highest priority in either Regular or Self Finance.

The priorities/preferences would remain intact till the applicant gets admission of his/her first priority/preference OR finalization of the admission process, whichever is earlier. The dues/fee paid by the applicant according to the earlier merit list would automatically be shifted / adjusted to the priorities/preferences already filled in by the applicant, after his /her name appears in a subsequent list.

The applicants are advised to fill / opt the priorities carefully because once filled, the Subject Priorities shall not be changed in any case. An applicant can opt for a maximum of three priorities of subjects either on Regular OR on Self Finance and / or on both basis in the same subjects 3(R)+3fS)=6.

Data of the applicants will be displayed on the University website on the specified dates. In case of any error/mistake in the data, the applicants are advised to contact Admission Section within the stipulated period. In case no complaint is lodged it will be assumed that the data of applicant is correct and that there is no mistake on the part of the University.

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