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The convocation shall be of two kinds:

(a) Ordinary convocation:

Ordinary convocation is held for conferring the degree of a particular year or years, if there was no convocation in the previous years, on persons who have under prescribed conditions, pursued a course of study in, and passed examinations of the university, and on persons who have under prescribed conditions carried on independent research. (qau calendar-2000.p.197)
The procedure at any ordinary convocation shall be as follows:-

(i) the members of the university and the graduates who are to receive their degrees shall assemble at the place and time notified to them by the registrar.
(ii) entry of graduates to the convocation hall or enclosure may be closed half an hour before the time of the commencement of the convocation.
(iii) the candidates shall receive their degrees from the dean of the faculty or chairman of the department concerned or, in the absence of the dean, or the chairman, from a person nominated by the vice-chancellor. (qau calendar-2000.p.198)

(b) Special convocation:
Special convocation is held for conferring honorary degrees, in the prescribed manner, on eminent person or persons.
Special convocation may be held for conferment of the degree honoris causa on eminent persons deserving such degrees.

The persons to be admitted to such degrees shall be presented by the registrar, or in his absence, by a person nominated by the vice-chancellor. (qau calendar-2000.pp.197-198)

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